Heart Pain
How to diagnose the occurrence of heart pain, number of years well in advance before it occurs, through acupuncture?
For the proper functioning of a human body, the vital force flow in one’s body needs to be proper. The liveliness comes to the body through the air elements. The air element related organs in our body are Stomach, Lungs and Large Intestine. So, if any of these three organs are having air stagnation within it and from the source it gets generated – needs to be diagnosed first.
If indigestion problem persists in stomach – then the patient will feel the swelling in stomach (Bloating) and belching happens frequently. The quantum of air stagnation in stomach makes the feeling of stomach rigidness always. Feeling of belching will be there, but it won’t. Always they will be having a feeling of some blockage in breast and breathing issues. Even a small amount food intake also makes them breathless, until the belching comes out.
So, they always prefer to take some carbonated drinks frequently, which makes their situation more critical in near future.
Precautionary Steps:
The stagnation of air in stomach means that the capability of manufacturing the air and vitalising the same is not there with stomach. So, it is mandatory to energise the stomach or removal of toxin from stomach. The meaning of toxin in stomach is nothing but, the excessive food in stomach. The taste for stomach is sweet, when it exceeds, the sweet becomes bitter.
So, it is always better to reduce the level of sweet in food or cool drinks, along with reduced level of intake of bitter taste in food. If we follow these two restrictions regularly in our food, we can avoid the chest pain, palpitation which may occur in due course of years. Also, those who feel like taking little rest after food, will feel the difference by following the above.
The formation gas in stomach because of malfunctioning of the same can be easily identified by their sleeping posture. If one sleeps by their side by giving pressure to their stomach or by keeping one leg on another with pressure to stomach confirms the same.