What is Sujok?
Sujok is actually a combination of two Korean words; namely “Su” meaning hands and “Jok” meaning feet. So, Sujok means treating on hands and feet. Sujok acupuncture is a natural therapy of healing without drugs or medications. You can get instant and effective relief without medication with Sujok and it is also absolutely safe without any side effects. Sujok is actually a treatment that massages hands and feet and is used to treat several conditions like
- Bronchitis,
- Asthma,
- Headaches,
- Dizziness,
- Migraines,
- Gastritis,
- Ulcers,
- Diabetes, and also
- Mental disorders like depression etc.
- Moreover, sujok is also known to be effective in weight loss.
Sujok Treatment
Every session of Sujok will be for 15-20 minutes and you may require a sum of 10-16 sessions of Sujok for disposing of any physical or meta-physical enduring by means of Sujok.
How Sujok Works
Sujok is a treatment that involves a variety of methods of stimulating hands and feet by fingers, seeds, round objects, etc. The advanced Sujok treatment which make use of needles and are known as Six Ki Treatment which harmonizes the physical, emotional and also the Chakra plane.